Tuesday, February 17, 2009


As you all know, both my parents are from Afghanistan, In today's times that culture is not a happy one to talk about because of the current situation over sea's. I'm sure everyone is familiar with what happened on 9-11-2001, well at that point when i saw the towers fall i had a bad feeling in my gut, I knew now that every ones views will have changed, but i did not think that it was going to be a situation where Marshall Law was going to take place. My perception was that people will obviously be upset and will look at foreigners in a different light.
On 9-13 I was living in Cincinnati OH. and that evening my brother and one of my female cousins decided that we were going to go out downtown to the bars. We arrived downtown and started to bar hop, well about three hours into the evening we had lost track of each other, while I'm looking around, i noticed that there were three men who were wearing cowboy hats and boots that were profusely starring at me, all the while I'm looking for my family that i had came with and could not find them. I stepped outside the bar to place a phone call to my brother when these three guys walked out of the bar and gathered around me. They proceeded to start calling me a "Sand Nigger" and camel jockey among other things, I asked them why they were trying to harass me and they answered, your people just bombed the towers. Before i could get anything out of my mouth all three of them were beating me to a pulp. I tried to defend myself but i had no chance, the most funny thing was that there were two police officers less then a 100 feet from where this was taking place and they did nothing but turn there cheek and walk away. I ended up with a broken jaw, three broken ribs and a broken ankle.
All of this taught me a very valuable lesson, my perception of how the world would take this tragedy was completely wrong, peoples prejudice comes out no matter what and that peoples ignorance were at its best. There is no prior thought process before people act and that event really saddened me because that was the beginning of many malicious attacks on the innocent, it as well taught me that racism is very much still alive and that even though as far as our culture has come, people still are quick to judge a book by its cover.


Snead said...

OMG I am so sorry you went through this! People are so quick to judge. I hope you do not still encounter this.

Aaron Doyka said...

And this in a culture that claims that their dominant religeon teaches love, self-sacrifice, brotherhood, turning the other cheek, and goodwill. And a country that claims individuality, freedom, equality, and justice. Is there any hope? I hope so. "You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one..."