Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ground Control to Major James....

When something is not as they seem... hmmm.
Well, I guess talk about something funny. Before I stopped being a touring musician a little over a year ago, there would be many days and nights (sometimes it felt like days on end) that I would have to go without sleep. But one time I remember very clearly.

It wasn't my turn to drive the van, but Noah had a little too much to drink after the show so i volunteered so the next time my turn to drive would be skipped. Well anyway, we were driving through the desert outside Phoenix somewhere in the middle of no-wheres-ville. It was the middle of the night and everyone passed out except for me. Now to this point I had been up for almost 48 hours straight. Not safe, I know. That's for another blog on driver safety, haha.

So anyway, the sky was very clear that night and the desert out there is very flat, so I could see the stars from the sky all the way to the bottom of the earth. The desert was so flat it seemed to go on and on, right into the stars with no end in sight. Now on no sleep and feeling like Jack's Sneaking Revenge from Fight Club or something, this started to mess with my head. No sleep is some kind of natural acid, and can mess with a man on a lonely stretch of desert in the middle of the night.

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