Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hands Off

I have tried to be more mindful of the feelings of others in our society when it comes to this disgusting custom we call shaking hands. My apparent dislike for the preoccupation with exchanging bodily fluids and filth unfortunately leads people to think that I am disgusted with them and not their mindless acceptance of this horrendous social nicety. Please allow me to explain.

I understand in business, especially in mine which is male dominated, that shaking hands is a customary greeting. The act of extending one's hand toward another is an occurrence that seems to happen both by introduction and supposed respectful recognition. Despite my disgust for this action, in the business world I have come to accept this as something I must endure if I wish to continue working in my industry. This by no means implies that I favor this gesture.

In my personal life there have been many occurrences of which I have come across as condescending or outright rude for my refusal to shake the hand of another. There are three major reasons I despise this action. It is completely unsanitary. It is a violation of my personal space (I rarely even give my name in situations where it is not required). Lastly, it is a major breech of etiquette.

Yes..... the woman construction worker also considers herself a lady. According to the rules of etiquette it is rude and presumptuous for a man to extend his hand to a lady in greeting. If a lady wishes to express greeting in a physical manner she will first extend her hand to indicate to the gentleman that she acknowledges him. Under no other circumstances in a personal encounter should a man ever extend his hand to a woman.... and there you have it.

Despite the fact that I must endure this custom for the sake of my career I refuse to acknowledge it in my personal life. I have unintentionally offended many people because I decline to touch their unsanitary paws, but please also keep in mind that your personal existence does not entitle you to touch mine. If our relationship does become one of a more intimate nature I am sure that an agreement can be made as to a more suitable physical greeting as opposed to the robotic mandate of exchanging bacteria palm to palm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! :)