Monday, February 16, 2009

She's My Co-worker?

Starting off at a new job can be pretty scary in itself, but not knowing who you may be working with is even scarier. I've been working for the same insurance agency for a little over two years now, and I feel like I'm very lucky to have such an eccentric co-worker.

My co-worker Hannah is something else, but honestly she's the reason why I am able to fully communicate with clients and my peers. Starting off I didn't know what to expect working for an insurance agency, but I felt confident enough to do it. I also, didn't know what to expect from my new co-worker, Hannah. Right off the bat she was extremely nice, loud and very expressive. To be quite honest I was thrown back, because I'm almost the complete opposite. It was hard to keep up with her. She had a lot of energy and a pretty hefty vocubulary; she's an English major from Lipsomb University. She's also a strong christian based girl. There would be times where we would carry on conversations, and I just felt like I couldn't keep up. She was using words that I never heard, she vividly expressed her emotions and she would even sing. I literally would just sit back. I felt indifferent, I wanted to be able to keep up with her, but mostly I wanted to really be able to talk about God with her. I wanted to snap out of always being the one receiving the information, and not giving it. I feel if she were a bit softer with her personality, I wouldn't of felt so afraid to come out and it would of sparked more of a gradual connection.

She challenged me in a big way. I felt the need to be have the knowledge that she has, to be able to communicate with someone like her. To be able to extend my vocabulary, and just the motivation to really be outgoing when meeting new people. I also wanted to be mentally able to communicate with very opposite people, you end up finding out that they're not so different. I feel like I could be thrown in any situtation, and come out successful.

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