Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Welcome To Communication 100 at Volunteer State

You can read over the old entries in the blog to see what we were doing last spring almost all of it is still relevant to what will happen in class this fall. Take a few minutes to post a comment as a way of becoming comfortable with this interface. I know we introduced ourselves in class but tell us something about yourself as a reminder and as a way we can get to know each other better. USE YOUR REAL NAME in all postings here.


ashley hand said...

Hi, my name is Ashley Hand. You can most likely remember me by looking at your hand. If that doesn't help, think of the nerd that enjoys sitting in the back of the room instead of up front.

Donzella Murphy Geter said...

Hi, I am Donzella Geter. I am a non-traditional student. I am known to have no sense of direction.

Terra Jo said...

Hi! Im Terra! I think speaking in front of a group is pretty easy but I think it will be a challenge for me to talk about something meaningful and not sound monotonous, I can talk until I turn blue but it would probably be all about shopping!)... Did that make sense? You can remember me because I will have a new purse almost every week! See everyone in class!!!

MarqieMark1 said...

Hello my name is Marcus Baez..as in Joan Baez the folk singer. I work way too much...but I talk all day anyway so speaking isn't too hard for me. I like to have fun in class and joke around. See you all soon.

08-1975 said...

Hello, I am Kysha the family oriented, sports fan. You can find me in the background far away from the spotlight. I have a fear of speaking – public and private, which makes for interesting relationships! I am hoping this class will give me the confidence I need to step outside my box.

Suzanne Grady said...

Howdy! I'm Suzanne Grady and I am formally a military brat. Now I'm just a brat. Growing up I lived all over, including 2 years in Japan and 10 years in Spain. Currently I am an University Studies major. If Vol State will ever quit cancelling my classes I can graduate and transfer to TSU and get my BA in Computer Science. I get very nervous when I have to stand up in front of a group and speak. I know, I know that's amazing considering the big mouth I have. Let me appologize in advance for any comment I may make that offends anyone. I am very sarcastic and I am often taken the wrong way. (Working on it!)

Marcia Pyles said...

Happy Labor Day! My name is Marcia Pyles, not Marsha! I wear my heart on my sleeve and my mood on my face. You will notice my countenace change with what goes on around me. I am a talker when I am happy, and I can argue my point with anyone when I believe I am right. I can't hide how I am feeling even when it is necessary to do so. I want to learn how to communicate with my peers without showing the many faces of Marcia. Especially the one that makes me turn bright red from the neck all the way up to my forehead!

Jim Parker said...

Thanks everyone, you guys are doing a great job. Right now there is so much going on with my life I'm feeling overwhelmed but hopefully it will get better soon.

bulletburposmiley said...

Hey! My name is Arthur Smith. I am 20 yrs. old and I'm Majoring in Buisness Management at Volstate. In my early years, I was into trucks and big rigs and then later on, I started getting into airplanes and the space program. I got to go to Space Camp in Alabama in 1998. Later on though, My interest in aircraft and spacecraft dwindled and I got into auto racing which is what I'm into nowadays. That and web surfing. I dont travel or go places very much unless someone wants me to. I have no fear when it comes to getting up and speaking in front of a class. My only concerns with essays are having enough stuff to write about and the length of time it takes to complete an essay. I dont talk much so I'm looking forward to the class to helping me with my speech skills.

Toya Randolph said...

Hi my name is Toya Randolph and talking amongst a group is not a problem for me at all. Speaking in front of numerous amounts of people makes me nervous and I start to fumble over my words. I am hoping this class will help me to be able to overcome being the center of attention. I am not the one who likes all of the attention on me. I have enjoyed the class thus far see you all Tuesday.

aransom said...

Hi, I am Anita. Most say that I am a people pleaser and a deep thinker....in my opinion I am both, but it depends on what it is. Speaking in front of others makes me nervous, I worry about stumbling over my words....I do better with a prepared speech/presentation, thinking of things to say off the top of my head doesn't come easy.

steven.hunter said...

hey my name is steven hunter. I'm the tall quite one in the back of the class. I am pretty shy but warm up after a while. If I could get anything out of this class it would be to have a better understanding of non verbal communications.