Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Blog entry about public speaking

Public speaking can be fun and it can be a pain even for people who are used to doing it. Here is an experienced speaker talking about how her experiences have varied. Just keep in mind as you go through this course that you will make it through this experience and come out the other side better for having done it.

The Pros and Cons of Public Speaking

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Origins of Non-verbal communication

I had not intended to post anything of substance at this point in the semester but I found this article in the New York Times and the content fits nicely with Chapter 4 in the text.

A World of Eloquence in an Upturned Palm

Welcome To Communication 100 at Volunteer State

You can read over the old entries in the blog to see what we were doing last spring almost all of it is still relevant to what will happen in class this fall. Take a few minutes to post a comment as a way of becoming comfortable with this interface. I know we introduced ourselves in class but tell us something about yourself as a reminder and as a way we can get to know each other better. USE YOUR REAL NAME in all postings here.