Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Welcome to Berfunkle

This blog is to accompany the course I teach in Fundamentals of Speech Communication (Com 100) at Volunteer State Community College. The blog is titled Berfunkle after short film that I saw in the Communication 100 class I had as an undergraduate at Michigan State University. That class contained no public speaking and as the primary text we used David K. Berlo's book The Process of Communication. Berlo's book is no longer being published but can be found used. One of the many highlights of the book is the SMCR model of communication.

The film Berfunkle was about a character who went around saying nothing but the word "berfunkle" and the problems in communication created by that behavior. (if my memory serves me correctly). The film is really about the concept of creating shared meaning and the idea that words mean whatever we decide they mean.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

"The film is really about the concept of creating shared meaning and the idea that words mean whatever we decide they mean."

...that made me think of the movie Nell.